shortly After Hurricane maria, Family Environmental deployed an emergency response team to Puerto Rico. since then, we are proud to contract local talent and to have an international office in san juan, pr.

we continue to provide services such as asbestos, mold, microbial, lead-based paint testing, moisture mapping, building forensics, and general industrial hygiene Services. one such project was with the el caribe hilton in San juan. (pictured BELOW)

Family Environmental has extensive experience responding to natural disasters.  Whether working with projects that require emergency response or structure demolition, we understand the rigorous inspection requirements, as well as the regulatory requirements governed by local municipalities.  We have worked in conjunction with FEMA, the EPA, various property owners, and State and Local officials in order to deal with many aspects of both natural and man-made disasters.  This includes project designs, emergency response, and remediation/clean-up.  Our team is comprised of personnel from a variety of backgrounds, experience and expertise.  This broad range of talent enables us to meet the project objectives, as well as to understand and fulfill the project management and documentation service needs of any construction/demolition project.  We have extensive experience with documentation including, but not limited to, the FEMA 404 Hazard Mitigation Program, the FEMA 403 Spreadsheet, the FEMA 325 Public Disaster Assistance Debris Management Guide, the FEMA 19 Point Checklist, as well as experience with flood-affected structures and other natural disaster incidents that require comprehensive parcel documentation and resolution.

Please contact us about any environmental projects in the region.