We have worked in conjunction with FEMA, EPA, various property owners, and County and City officials, in order to deal with many aspects of both natural and man-made disasters.  This includes project designs, emergency response, and remediation/clean-up.  Our broad range of talent enables us to meet the project objectives while fulfilling the project management and documentation service needs of any construction/demolition project.  

Our documentation experience includes the FEMA 404 Hazard Mitigation Program, the FEMA 403 Spreadsheet, the FEMA 325 Public Disaster Assistance Debris Management Guide, the FEMA 19 Point Checklist, as well as experience with flood-affected structures and other natural disaster incidents that require comprehensive parcel documentation and resolution.  

 We developed and maintain a comprehensive database for tracking forms and inspections associated with the inspections, remediation, and demolitions and are ready and able to provide a seamless and comprehensive management approach to our clients.